-------- christopher stark ------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------- astronomer --------

== about ==

 JWST Deputy Observatory Project Scientist
 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

 curriculum vitae

== contact ==

 Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory, Code 667
 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
 Greenbelt, MD 20771
 Office: 301-285-5497

== research ==

 Future mission design & simulation
  Optimizing the design of future direct imaging missions for science yield
  Select Publications: 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2016 | 2019 | 2020 | 2024

 Debris disks & exozodi
  High contrast imaging of disks, modeling dust composition & dynamics
  Select Publications: 2009 | 2009 | 2011 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 | 2024

  Theory & observation of planet-disk interactions, methods for detection
  Select Publications: 2008 | 2020 | 2024


== code & resources ==

  HWO Coronagraph ETC (IDL/C) [code]
  Calculates the exposure time of a planet observed with a "toy" HWO
  coronagraph in a manner consistent with AYO.

  exoVista v2.x (Python/C) [code] [data]
  exoVista v1.3 (IDL/C) [code]
  Generates a "universe" of planetary systems.

  dustmap v3.1.4 (IDL/C) [code]
  Synthesizes images of debris disks using discrete data points as input.
  Scattered light, thermal emission, Mie theory, Kurucz stellar atmospheres
  Fast multi-wavelength calculations

  Debris Ring Analyzer (IDL) (coming soon)
  Fits debris ring geometry, deprojects, extracts scattering phase function.

  Kowalsky Deprojection (IDL) [code]
  Deprojects on-sky ellipses using Kowalsky method.

  Poisson Binomial Distribution (IDL) [code]
  Probability distribution of events with independent, unique probabilities
  of success.

  Exozodi Simulation Catalog [data]
  Catalog of collisionless n-body simulations of planet-induced
  resonant structures in exozodiacal disks.

credits: font victor mono | photo aki roberge